Writing & Creative Direction
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Rick and Morty Rickstaverse


The Rick and Morty Rickstaverse is a video game built entirely on Instagram. Part Where’s Waldo and part Super Mario 64, we created over 80 levels painstakingly detailed and connected to each other using Instagram photo tags.


I was the sole copywriter on the project, writing captions on all 1400 individual squares, 18 comics, 24 video shorts, a promotional video, and an instruction booklet. I also managed a lot of the documentation, organizing the levels and a gigantic copydeck spanning several spreadsheets. From pitch to execution I worked with a small but dedicated team that handled everything in this gigantic beast.

Fans went nuts, and now over 350,000 of them follow us. Probably more, by the time you’re reading this. Here are some nice things the internet said: