Writing & Creative Direction



Stubble is in. But if you’re a college kid, chances are your stubble isn’t the kind that will sweep ladies off their feet.

To prove that being well-groomed will get you more attention, we partnered with Tinder to run an experiment on over 100,000 real Tinder profiles to see who received more right swipes: the clean-shaven or five o’ clock shadowed.

The results may surprise you. Or maybe not, considering if this didn’t pan out I wouldn’t put it on a website with my name on it.

We dug through the data and found a lot of interesting facts about what ladies look for in a match, and put our findings on a sexy, responsive web site.

We also ran charity fundraisers for these poor celibate men on multiple college campuses through the Shave and Release program. We offered a safe space for bestubbled young men.

My favorite part of this assignment was working on headlines for outdoor signage and display with my kickass team of interns. It’s like I was in ad school again!